Date: 2025.06.01
Place: Tápiószentmárton, Kincsem Lovaspark, Hungary
Organised by: Angol és Ausztrál Pásztorkutya Klub Egyesület
1. Deadline -
2. Deadline -
Last entry deadline
You can achieve the Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior, Adult or Veteran Champion title within THIS weekend by winning your class 2 times!
The Champion Parade exclusive program will be organised after selecting BIS. This program is the celebration of the CHAMPIONS.
Only Junior or Adult Champions can be entered.
Dogs will be not judged and there will be no selections. Participating dogs will come individually to the ring, make a lap of honour and stand in the ring while he/ she is introduced professionally to the audience telling the name and titles. All participants of this program will be featured on one individual page in the Champion Parade magazine with picture, name, parents, results and will receive a rosette.
This program gives possibility to introduce the not actively shown Champions also.
We are waiting the information of the entered dog to this e-mail address:
Please send 1 good quality picture, name of the dog, parents, show and other results, name of the owner, contact
Handled by Breeder or Owner
On the Club Show and Eurocorgi 1 extra CAC will be distributed in both genders after the BOB selection.
There will be only 2 classes: males and females. Only those dogs can be entered who passed 15 months of age and will be shown by their Breeder or Owner personally. The best male and best female will achieve CAC title. You have to enter into this class separately!
Docked dogs born before 1st January 2025 CAN BE entered to these shows!
You have the possibility to try the herding instincts of your dog with sheep with professional herding trainer. Your dog can get the official FCI NHAT Herding Instinct Test.
Fill the entry form here:
A set of exciting games and challenges to train the brains organised by Judit & Bence Hajzer
Look for the news about this program!
We organise 2 very useful and interesting seminars for 30.05.2025. Friday.
2 hours long interactive corgi standard explanations on live dogs with presentation in English with Hungarian translation.
MORNING: PEMBROKE CORGI Standard explanation. AFTERNOON: CARDIGAN CORGI Standard explanation.
Lecturer: Mr Vincent Savioli (Aubrey kennel, USA)
Pre-registration is obligatory. The number of attendees is limited!
The price includes coffee, drinks, sweet and salt finger food and the new illustrated standard magazine of the PWCCA
The price of the Seminar is 80 euro/ person
2 hours long Corgi Genetics Seminar in English with Hungarian translation
Lecturer: Olga Shilova, scientist
Pre-registration is obligatory. The number of attendees is limited!
The price includes coffee, drinks, sweet and salt finger food
The price of the Seminar is 75 euro/ person
4 hours long Corgi Grooming Seminar demonstrated on live dogs in English with Hungarian translation
Lecturer: Maria Evteeva
Pre-registration is obligatory. The number of attendees is limited!
The price includes coffee, drinks, sweet and salt finger food
The price of the Seminar is 75 euro/ person
Registration contact to the Seminars: Luca Kettler-Varga
Vendor places are available for the AAPKK Club Show and Eurocorgi
For reservations please contact to Luca Kettler-Varga
You have the possibility to sponsor a whole class (1-2-3-4 place) on the Club Show and the Eurocorgi!
If you offer 4 bags of presents to the 4 places of a selected class YOUR KENNEL NAME will appear in the catalog and noted as a generous sponsor of our shows.
Please don’t forget to put some kind notes for the winners in your sponsorship bags.
What can be in the bag? Anything what the dogs and owners would enjoy to have, eat or play with!
Please write your sponsorship offer to Bernadett Peresne Csokona:
We would like to continue the lovely tradition of Silent Auction of the past Eurocorgis. We would be more than happy to welcome the lovely basket of goodies (for 2 and 4 legged) from all countries coming to Eurocorgi. If you can collect the baskets together as nations or just bring individually something great. All baskets and goodies will be all available for auction on the Gala Dinner of Saturday. During the dinner the bets can be taken and the person giving the biggest offer can buy the basket. Be creative and bring some lovely things to this special occasion!
Please look for Bernadett about Silent Auction questions. Bernadett Peresne Csokona:
There will be plenty of great social gathering possibilities during the dinners of the events.
Please make your reservations IN TIME to guarantee your participation!
30.5.2025. FRIDAY
Self service selection of meals: goulash soup, vegetable soup, fish soup, cottage cheese pasta with bacon, frutti di mare spagetti, oven baked pork, breaded cauliflower, garlic and cottage cheese stuffed mushrooms, rice, grilled vegetables, baked potato, pancakes, fruits
Free glass of Cabernet Sauvignon
Price: 25 euro/ person
31.05.2025. SATURDAY
GALA Dinner:
During the Dinner will be Silent Auctions
Self service selection of meals: French salad, Potato salad, Meat salad, Cheese-ham rolls, Pork cutlets, Meatballs, Casino eggs, House signature Ragout soup, Cold fruit soup, Roasted duck, Cabbage pasta, Deep fried Cheddar cheese stuffed turkey breasts, Deep fried chicken legs, Deep fried cheese, Deep fried mushrooms, Grilled vegetables, Grilled Camembert, Rice, Oven baked pork, Steamed cabbage, Mashed potatoes, Hungarian grey cattle stew, pasta, fresh mixed salads, sortiment of cakes, homemade strudels
1 free coctail from Hungary’s COCTAIL Master: Andras Lajsz
Free glass of Cabernet Sauvignon
Price: 40 euro/ person
01.06.2025. SUNDAY
Self-service selection of meals: Grilled sausages, Grilled chicken, Hamburgers, Homemade cheeses, Grilled vegetables, Fresh baked goods, Fresh salads
Price: 20 euro/ person
Lunch possibilities on the show ground on Saturday and Sunday:
- BUFFET with soft drinks, coffee, sweets, chips
- in the RESTAURANT between 12:00 - 16:00 self service meals are available for 25 euro/ person
- in the RESTAURANT ala’ carte meal possibilities: pizza, hamburger, gyros
For ALL dinner reservations please contact Ildiko Muzslai:
Entry fees
Additional entry fees
Breeds to enter
Breeds recognised by the FCI
FCI Nr. | Breed name | Breed name [FCI] |
38 | Welsh Corgi Cardigan | Welsh Corgi Cardigan |
39 | Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke |
Show statistics
Group | Breed name | Breed name [FCI] | Sex | Number of entries |
I. | Welsh Corgi Cardigan | Welsh Corgi Cardigan | Male | 1 |
I. | Welsh Corgi Cardigan | Welsh Corgi Cardigan | Bitch | 2 |
I. | Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Bitch | 3 |
I. | Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Male | 1 |

For entry, please log in!
Entry deadline (1.)