Archive news

(Year: 2024)

Üzemszünet: 2024.12.30-31


A DOG SHOW Kft. online nevezési felülete 2024.12.30 10:00 és 2024.12.31 10:00 között nem lesz elérhető a kiszolgáló informatikai rendszerben végzett karbantartási és frissítési munkák elvégzése miatt.

Üzemszünet: 2024.12.30-31

Regulation on ear cropping and tail docking


After January 1, 2025, the Hungarian Kennel Club MEOE Association will not allow the participation of dogs with cropped ears and/or docked tails in its events.

I.    Breeds affected by the FCI standard modification:

•    343 Cane Corso
•    143 Dobermann
•    181 Giant Schnauzer
•    182 Schnauzer
•    183 Miniature Schnauzer
•    197 Neapolitan Mastiff
•    144 Boxer
•    235 Great Dane
•    147 Rottweiler
•    184 German Pinscher
•    185 Miniature Pinscher

Regulations on breeding certifications:
Breeding test results obtained before 1st January 2025 continue to be accepted for dogs with cropped ears/docked tails for these breeds.
Dogs with cropped ears/docked tails born before 1st January 2025 can be judged at breeding test if the breed club organisations approve it with a joint decision.
After 1st January 2025, imported dogs with pedigree issued by the Hungarian Kennel Club MEOESZ are allowed to be bred if the breed club organisations approve it with a joint decision. However, these dogs are not permitted to participate at show and working events.

II.    Breeds not affected by the FCI standard modification:
For all FCI breeds where the breed standard description includes the option of cropped ears/docked tails, the MEOESZ Hungarian Kennel Club introduces the regulation that dogs with cropped ears/docked tails born after 1st January 2025, are not allowed to participate at MEOESZ events. Dogs with cropped ears/docked tails born before 1st January 2025 can participate at our events until 1st January 2027.
Exceptions to this regulation are dogs born with genetically proven short tails and hunting dog breeds: Deutscher Jagdterrier (103) from Group 3 and breeds from Group 7 where the standard permits the presentation of docked tailed dogs from hunting ability perspective.

Regulations on breeding certifications:
Breeding test results obtained before 1st January 2025 continue to be accepted for dogs with cropped ears/docked tails for all breeds.
For all FCI breeds, dogs with cropped ears/docked tails born before 1st January 2025 can be judged at breeding test if the breed club organisations approve it with a joint decision.
After 1st January 2025, imported dogs with pedigree issued by the Hungarian Kennel Club MEOESZ are allowed to be bred if the breed club organisations approve it with a joint decision. However, these dogs are not permitted to participate at show and working events.

This regulation is in accordance with the provisions of the European Union and the Hungarian Animal Protection Act. At the same time, it keeps in mind the importance of preserving genetic diversity and genetic values.

Presidium of MEOESZ Hungarian Kennel Club

Regulation on ear cropping and tail docking

Planned shutdown: 13.10.2024


Due to the development and maintenance work carried out in the SimplePay bank card payment system, it is expected that the website will not be available morning on 13.10.2024. If the works are completed earlier than planned, we will make our services available again.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Planned shutdown: 13.10.2024

Online fizetési rendszer probléma: K&H bankártyák esetén


Közreadjuk a K&H bank tájékoztatását (2024.08.20):
Tájékoztatjuk, hogy külső szolgáltatói hiba miatt a biztonsági "3d Secure" sms szolgáltatásunkban az interneten történő bankkártyás vásárlás során problémát tapasztalhat. A hiba elhárításán partnerünk kiemelt prioritással dolgozik, annak érdekében, hogy mielőbb helyreálljon a szolgáltatás. Az okozott kellemetlenségért szíves elnézését kérjük! Megértését és türelmét nagyon köszönjük!
- K&H Bank

Kérjük amennyiben van lehetőségük, a fizetést másik Bank által kiadott kártyával próbálják meg.

Online fizetési rendszer probléma: K&H bankártyák esetén

Online fizetési rendszer - technikai probléma


Ezúton tájékoztatjuk nevezőinket, hogy a SimplePay rendszerében műszaki probléma miatt időszakos kiesés tapasztalható. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a tranzakciók egy része technikai hiba miatt elutasításra kerülhet.

Az esetleges kellemetlenségért elnézést kérünk.



Online fizetési rendszer - technikai probléma

Planned shutdown: 28.03.2024


Due to the development and maintenance work carried out in the SimplePay bank card payment system, it is expected that the website will not be available all day on 28.03.2024. If the works are completed earlier than planned, we will make our services available again.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Planned shutdown: 28.03.2024

Information for the upcoming Fehova Winterdogshow 2024


Confirmations and parking tickets purchased from today until midnight on 02/04/2024 will also be sent out on 02/05/2024.
The purchase of parking tickets closes at midnight on February 4, 2024. Important! The confirmations can also be downloaded from the system after logging in!

Information for the upcoming Fehova Winterdogshow 2024

Online payment system slowdown


Update: The operation of the system was restored at 20:00 on 01.29.2024.
There is a slowdown in the SimplePay bank card payment system, so the status of transactions can be confirmed late, so some of the transactions will be unsuccessful. There is also a temporary outage in the operation of the Simple app.

Please be patient and repeat the payment again today.

Online payment system slowdown
Active exhibitions