Date: 2025.04.19
Place: Bugac, Bugaci Karikás Csárda
Organised by: MEOESZ
Webpage: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/bugac-karikas-ku

  • 2025-03-25
  • 2025-04-08
    Entry deadline
  • 2025-04-19
    Day of show
Deadline to modify online entries: 2025-04-08

Bugac Karikás Kupa 2025
On April 19, 2025, Bugac will host the Karikás Kupa show series for hungarian breeds.

On this day, the entered dogs will receive 3 judgents at 3 events, from 3 different judges.

Special champion title will be also available at the show event, those dogs can get special champion titles (appropriate to their age group), that will win all three shows.

Dogs that receive 3 excellent qualifications at the event, they will receive the "Bugac Karikás Cup Champion" certificate, free of charge.

By registering for the event, the dog will be entered into all three shows. The specified entry fee includes the discounted entry fee for Hungarian breeds for all three exhibitions, with valid MEOESZ membership.

Online entry: https://nevezes.dogshow.hu/dogshow-751

Entry fees

Minor puppy
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 60 EUR
2. dog 60 EUR
3. dog 60 EUR
More dogs 60 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 60 EUR
2. dog 60 EUR
3. dog 60 EUR
More dogs 60 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 105 EUR
2. dog 90 EUR
3. dog 90 EUR
More dogs 90 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 105 EUR
2. dog 90 EUR
3. dog 90 EUR
More dogs 90 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 105 EUR
2. dog 90 EUR
3. dog 90 EUR
More dogs 90 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 105 EUR
2. dog 90 EUR
3. dog 90 EUR
More dogs 90 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 105 EUR
2. dog 90 EUR
3. dog 90 EUR
More dogs 90 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-04-08
1. dog 60 EUR
2. dog 60 EUR
3. dog 60 EUR
More dogs 60 EUR

Additional entry fees

Reclassification fee: 10 EUR
Dog replacement fee: 10 EUR

Breeds to enter

Breeds recognised by the FCI
FCI Nr. Breed name Breed name [FCI]
53 Komondor Komondor
54 Kuvasz Kuvasz
55 Puli Pearl White Puli Pearl White
55 Puli Black Puli Black
55 Puli Fawn Puli Fawn
56 Pumi Pumi
57 Hungarian Short-haired Pointer (Rövidszőrű Magyar Vizsla) Hungarian Short-haired Pointer
238 Mudi Mudi
239 Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer (Drótszőrű Magyar Vizsla ) Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer
240 Hungarian Greyhound (Magyar Agar) Hungarian Greyhound
241 Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound (Erdélyi kopó) Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound
55 Puli Grey Puli Grey

Show statistics

Group Breed name Breed name [FCI] Sex Number of entries
I. Komondor Komondor Bitch 2
I. Komondor Komondor Male 1
I. Kuvasz Kuvasz Male 1
I. Kuvasz Kuvasz Bitch 1
I. Mudi Mudi Male 5
I. Mudi Mudi Bitch 3
I. Puli Black Puli Black Bitch 3
I. Puli Black Puli Black Male 2
I. Puli Fawn Puli Fawn Bitch 1
I. Puli Pearl White Puli Pearl White Bitch 1
I. Pumi Pumi Male 3
I. Pumi Pumi Bitch 1
VI. Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound (Erdélyi kopó) Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound Male 3
VI. Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound (Erdélyi kopó) Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound Bitch 5
VII. Hungarian Short-haired Pointer (Rövidszőrű Magyar Vizsla) Hungarian Short-haired Pointer Male 6
VII. Hungarian Short-haired Pointer (Rövidszőrű Magyar Vizsla) Hungarian Short-haired Pointer Bitch 10
VII. Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer (Drótszőrű Magyar Vizsla ) Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer Bitch 1
X. Hungarian Greyhound (Magyar Agar) Hungarian Greyhound Male 4
X. Hungarian Greyhound (Magyar Agar) Hungarian Greyhound Bitch 2
For entry, please log in!
Entry deadline (1.)
Show - Identification 751